Just receiving 2 Characters can crash your Apple devices

All it takes is two characters from the alphabet of the Indian language Telugu to crash an array of Apple devices. A new bug has been discovered in iOS 11 that lets people send a specific character that will crash an iPhone and block access to the Messages app in iOS and popular apps like […]
Laptops, Tablets and Phones? Oh My!

A recent survey conducted by software security firm Trustlook Inc. found that 70% of respondents used a personal electronic device (e.g., smart phone, tablet, laptop) to access company systems. However, only 39% of these businesses had a formal ‘Bring Your Own Device’ (BYOD) policy, and less than half of those surveyed had received any instructions—security-focused […]
Data Breach Litigation

FromTechTarget.com by Christopher Hart Foley Hoag LLP Data breach litigation can be highly detrimental to an organization that just suffered a major security incident. Find out what kinds of legal action enterprises could face in the event of a data breach. A data breach is a business crisis that can have enduring ramifications. While the […]
Is settling a data breach lawsuit the best option?

FromTechTarget.com by Mike O. Villegas K3DES LLC In the unfortunate event of a data breach lawsuit, it’s often better to settle before the case reaches court. Many of the major data breaches in recent years have resulted in class action lawsuits, and in virtually every case that’s been resolved has resulted in the enterprise settling […]
Recover from Ransomware

From Techtarget.com Nick Cavalancia Techvangelist Business owners have two major concerns today: One is to keep the business operational, and the other is to protect the business from anything that would keep it from being operational. Ransomware has positioned itself as the most serious threat to business operations, with the 2017 damage estimate being around $5 […]
Cybersecurity Is ‘Greatest Concern’ at Senate Threats Hearing

For the top intelligence agencies in the US, technology has pushed aside terrorism as a top national security threat. The leaders of six of those agencies, including the CIA, the NSA and the FBI, testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday, during its annual “Worldwide Threats” hearing. They discussed concerns ranging from terrorist attacks […]
The economic impact of cybercrime? Almost $600 billion
Cybercrime costs businesses close to $600 billion, or 0.8 percent of global GDP, which is up from a 2014 study that put global losses at about $445 billion, according to a report by McAfee, in partnership with the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Adopting new technologies The report attributes the growth over three […]
The Economic Impact of CyberCrime (McAffee)
Supreme Court Won’t Review CareFirst Data Breach Case
Bank Info Security Marianne Kolbasuk McGeeHealthInfoSec The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to review a data breach case that would have been the first of its kind to be reviewed by the high court. The class action lawsuit againstCareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shieldis now headed back to a Washington federal trial court. On Tuesday, the […]
What Is A Botnet & How Does It Work?
From: PwnieExpress.com 2/27/18 When thinking about a botnet, it’s helpful to visualize it as an army of connected devices. The army comparison works here because botnets are a collection of individual devices working together as a single unit. It’s a little more obvious if you breakdown the name:robot + network = botnet. It’s literally a […]