// Seron Security
About Us
// Seron Security
About Us
The Seron Security team saw the need for a better way to help organizations address cybersecurity, with an unbiased, neutral, external perspective.
The core team brings many years of consultancy, technology, and security expertise.

There are many organizations that say they can ‘do security’ for you. Then, there are those of us that have done security for years.
Led by a certified security professional (CISSP) for over 20 years, with a master’s degree in Business (MBA), our owner looks at every client critically as to how security impacts the business as a whole – not just to sell products or services.
Members of our team have worked as penetration testers, security managers, security consultants, security architects, security engineers, security awareness speakers, security educators, and mentors.
// Our Clients
Our Awesome
Countries Worldwide
To succeed, every software solution must be deeply integrated into the existing tech environment..
Happy Customers
To succeed, every software solution must be deeply integrated into the existing tech environment..
// Seron Security Serices
Our Services
Our team members have been providing security hardware and software solutions for over 5 years. We know what works, and what doesn’t and we are always trying our best to stay up to date on the latest threats for your business.
Seron Security provides a complete technology solution: Secure web hosting, secure email management, backups, data archival, anti-virus, anti-malware, security audits, custom dedicated router with firewall and VPN, for ALL your employee’s devices.
Security Analysis and Planning
First and foremost, EVERY Business is unique. We get that. Depending on your needs, your budget and our recommendations, we create a plan that works for you, your industry, and your team. We make sure everyone is on the same page as far as expectations and requirements. In order for us to develop a good relationship together, we make it a point to spend time with you and your people, trying to understand your business, your goals, and concerns.
Security Analysis and Planning
First and foremost, EVERY Business is unique. We get that. Depending on your needs, your budget and our recommendations, we create a plan that works for you, your industry, and your team. We make sure everyone is on the same page as far as expectations and requirements. In order for us to develop a good relationship together, we make it a point to spend time with you and your people, trying to understand your business, your goals, and concerns.
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Disaster Recovery
You got hacked. It happens to everyone (unless you’re one of our customers). The key is NOT to panic or make things worse than they already are by trying to fix it yourself.
All may not be lost. Depending on what systems you currently have in place, there may be a way we can assist you.
Disaster Recovery
You got hacked. It happens to everyone (unless you’re one of our customers). The key is NOT to panic or make things worse than they already are by trying to fix it yourself.
All may not be lost. Depending on what systems you currently have in place, there may be a way we can assist you.
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Private Projects
If your business has a need for talented, tech-savvy people, let us know. We may be able to assist you.
We adhere to a strict confidentiality policy.
Please note: At NO time will any Seron Security personnel engage in ANY illegal, unethical, or immoral activities on behalf of a client or individual. Don’t even suggest or joke about such matters. You will be reported to management and possibly the local and Federal authorities.
Private Projects
If your business has a need for talented, tech-savvy people, let us know. We may be able to assist you.
We adhere to a strict confidentiality policy.
Please note: At NO time will any Seron Security personnel engage in ANY illegal, unethical, or immoral activities on behalf of a client or individual. Don’t even suggest or joke about such matters. You will be reported to management and possibly the local and Federal authorities.
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Custom Technology Solutions
Whatever your needs may be – basic website, setting up a new device or program, or creating a complex application, we can help. With rates far less than than others, we can set things up and demonstrate how to use most systems.
Projects are generally billed by the hour, but we address each situation differently.
Custom Technology Solutions
Whatever your needs may be – basic website, setting up a new device or program, or creating a complex application, we can help. With rates far less than than others, we can set things up and demonstrate how to use most systems.
Projects are generally billed by the hour, but we address each situation differently.
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// Our Blogs
Our Latest security
Just receiving 2 Characters can crash your Apple devices
Yasir Shaukat
/ September 21, 2023
All it takes is two characters from the alphabet of the Indian language Telugu to crash an array of Apple...
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A recent survey conducted by software security firm Trustlook Inc. found that 70% of respondents used a personal electronic device...
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FromTechTarget.com by Christopher Hart Foley Hoag LLP Data breach litigation can be highly detrimental to an organization that just suffered...
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FromTechTarget.com by Mike O. Villegas K3DES LLC In the unfortunate event of a data breach lawsuit, it’s often better to...
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From Techtarget.com Nick Cavalancia Techvangelist Business owners have two major concerns today: One is to keep the business operational, and...
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Cybersecurity Is ‘Greatest Concern’ at Senate Threats Hearing
Yasir Shaukat
/ September 21, 2023
For the top intelligence agencies in the US, technology has pushed aside terrorism as a top national security threat. The...
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Cybercrime costs businesses close to $600 billion, or 0.8 percent of global GDP, which is up from a 2014 study...
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Bank Info Security Marianne Kolbasuk McGeeHealthInfoSec The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to review a data breach case that would...
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From: PwnieExpress.com 2/27/18 When thinking about a botnet, it’s helpful to visualize it as an army of connected devices. The...
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On Track.co.uk Michael Nuncic 28 February 2018 2016 was the year of ransomware – 146 new strains of this destructive...
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4 Ways To Keep Your Business Safe From The Rising Threat Of Ransomware
Yasir Shaukat
/ September 21, 2023
By Farokh Karani https://heimdalsecurity.comHeimdal Security A recent, high-profile incident in which a Hollywood-based hospital suffered through a ransomware lockdown is...
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Olivia Lynch Cybrary Create a unique email for social media. If you are compromised, hackers won’t have access to any other...
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“All credit card PIN numbers in the World leaked” – nearly 11% of the 3.4 million passwords are 1234 Datagenetics...
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Do you have accounts at any of the sites that have been compromised? Enter your email address atHave I Been...
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IT, as well as online security, is vital for any business. The alternatives include; business interruption, legal penalties for compliance failure,...
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4 main reasons why SMEs and SMBs fail after a major cyberattack
Yasir Shaukat
/ September 21, 2023
The challenges SMEs and SMBs face and what to do about them. ByDror Liwer,Contributor,CSO http://flip.it/oBvGV4 We live in a time...
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BYOD Security: Protect Your Company and Employees in 11 Steps
Yasir Shaukat
/ September 21, 2023
1. Install at least one good security product to protect every device An antivirus product is still a very good...
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